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$15 & Change Campaign Launch/ Rate Your Boss

Wed. May 10th 2017 Victoria Event Centre Victoria BC Free

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$15 & Change Campaign Launch/ Rate Your Boss:

Calling all current and former service and hospitality industry workers for the ...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Wed. May 10th 2017 + Add to Calendar Victoria Event Centre (All Ages)
6:00pm  Doors at: 6:00pm Free

Event Description

Calling all current and former service and hospitality industry workers for the launch of the Retail Action Network's $15&Change campaign.

Ever felt like you wanted to turn that bad reference back around on your employer? Remember that time that your friend got fired and you weren't able to say anything? The Retail Action Network is launching a grading system so that you can rate your current or former workplace based on it's treatment of workers.

6pm: Doors open, drink specials and light dinner
7pm: Discussion and introduction to the campaign


If you've been a retail, restaurant or hospitality worker in the past 6 months join us to fill out our simple, 10 minute survey. We will use your answers, but not your name, to create a public grade for workplace employment practices (spoiler alert: most places fail). And if you're not a worker, join us anyways to learn more about the campaign!


Victoria Event Centre
1415 Broad Street
Multi-Purpose / Hall
Accessible see details
Open / Operational

Event Image

$15 & Change Campaign Launch/ Rate Your Boss @ Victoria Event Centre May 10 2017 - Mar 6th @ Victoria Event Centre

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