Save 50% on tickets to In My Body featuring Bboyizm at Kingston Grand Theatre November 30
My Own Addiction opens for Anvil at Overtime in Kingston, Saturday, October 14
The Toronto-based, Bengali-Bajan duo have been holding down Canada’s underground DIY music scene for decades.
Outdoor festival north of Kingston unites electronic music and environmental consciousness, September 8-10
Saskatoon country singer to play Original Thursdays at The Cove Inn, October 10
The 15th annual HomeGrown Live Music Festival takes place in downtown Kingston on Saturday, May 6, 2023.
Murphy's band 80s Enuff! performs live at The Cove Inn, June 30
The local Black community has been working with the City of Kingston to deliver an incredible line up in light of Emancipation Day! This includes a Black (owned business) Block Party that will highlight 20 + local businesses. I share a bit of insight and
A special performance of the song suite focusing on eastern Ontario victims of gender-based violence at Kingston City Hall, Monday March 4, 2024.
Featuring a presentation by underwater explorer Jill Heinerth in the historic performance hall.
Tickets for her March 22 show at The Broom Factory go on sale December 15
Texas-based Ontario native singer-songwriter performs at The Cove Inn, November 26
Skeleton Park Arts Festival is gearing up for its nineteenth celebration on June 22nd and 23rd, 2024, set in the charming environs of McBurney Park and its surrounding areas in Kingston, Ontario. Timed with the summer solstice weekend, this...