Profile Image: Hellhound Trail

Hellhound Trail

Modern blues rock from Kingston Ontario


Hellhound Trail

since 2017
Inspired by modern and classic blues, the Kingston, Ontario quartet Hellhound Trail formed in 2017 around the talents of Brandon Amey (guitar), Mat McAllister (drums), Matt Aylsworth (bass), and Jeff Dunn (vocals/guitar). Their blend of cutting blues, classic rock, and expressive soul delights listeners in a variety of settings, from an intimate brewery to a rowdy honky tonk.

Hellhound Trail’s setlist is ever growing and carefully curated to showcase favourites like Jimi Hendrix, Muddy Waters, and BB King, with some original material blended into the mix. This hardworking band puts on a great show for the enjoyment of the blues enthusiast and the casual listener.
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21:00 00:00
21:00 00:00
21:00 23:59
21:00 00:00

Current Lineup

Jeff Dunn
Vocals, guitar
Brandon Amey
2017 - present
Mat McAllister
2017 - present
Matt Aylsworth
2017 - present

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