Award-winning Kingston artist aims to raise $20,000 in 30 days
Kingston Live podcast episode 69
Hailing from Ghana, the Kingston-based artist has built a reputation as a musician and photographer.
Indoor capacity limits and proof of vaccination requirements could be lifted altogether by March 1.
Kingston's annual, all-local music festival takes place Saturday, May 7
A Significant Step Forward for Canada's Music Sector
Kingston Live podcast episode 72
Guitarist for The Commuters and Beatlejuice performs solo at The Cove Inn, Westport, August 9.
Montreal's Parabolus delivers "the complete Tool experience" to The Broom Factory April 13
Subanimal is the first single release from the Kingston band's forthcoming debut album, Realmlord.
The annual Kingston Emancipation Weekend Celebrations take place July 27 to August 1, 2023 under the theme "Thriving in Colour".
On Sunday, June 9th, the Blu Martini will host a special fundraiser to support the Grad Club, a beloved music venue in Kingston that has been facing financial difficulties. The event, organized by local musician and guitar legend Tom Savage...