Third Time's a Charm's debut release, "Fading Innocence," chosen for Indie Song of the Day
Beloved Kingston singer-songwriter performs at The Cove Inn on Friday, April 26
CLMA President heralds increase to Canada Arts Presentation Fund as a "…step in the right direction."
Clem Chesterfield's “Date Night” speaks to making the most of the time we have.
Group classes start up on Saturdays in Sept 2023 at the Maberly Hall, under direction of Cindy McCall.
Ousted from their current home, funds are needed for an expensive move.
Gord Downie wasn’t interested in ever becoming a hologram musician.
The Kingston collective's latest LP Just to Please You due out August 18, 2023
Proceeds from new song going to the Canadian Mental Health Association.
Hard rock luminaries to play Stages Nightclub on June 18
The local Black community has been working with the City of Kingston to deliver an incredible line up in light of Emancipation Day! This includes a Black (owned business) Block Party that will highlight 20 + local businesses. I share a bit of insight and
Ottawa art-pop collective joined by Kingston's Luella November 11