Renowned guitarist set to play The Cove Inn with Sin & Swoon songwriting partner Michelle Tompkins on October 4.
Montreal's Parabolus delivers "the complete Tool experience" to The Broom Factory April 13
A Tourism Kingston local music education session featuring Justin Tessier of The Blue Stones, and Zane Whitfield or North of Princess Recording Studio.
More restrictions lifted permitting food and drink indoors, return to regular operating hours.
You don’t need to break the bank to be blown away by talent.
Kingston forms the bedrock of Canada's music scene.
A long-awaited debut from one of Kngston's most accomplished musicians.
New single marks Lamon’s reemergence from two years touring her debut EP.
Slush Puppie Place is upgrading its audio system this summer.
The four-part documentary is set to release on Prime Video in 2024