2025 ReEmergence Tour / Tournée des RéEmergence 2025

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2025 ReEmergence Tour / Tournée des RéEmergence 2025

Celebrating 2SLGBTQIA+ Activism and Milestones.
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event


Chelazon Leroux
John R Sylliboy

Event Description

This year, we celebrate Re-Emergence, honouring the brave actions of 2SLGBTQIA+ activists who have fought, and continue to fight, for safer, more inclusive communities. Join us as we reflect on the past and build a brighter future together.

Milestones and Highlights:

The LGBT Purge - 35 Years Later: In 1990, Michelle Douglas challenged the Canadian military's discriminatory policies, leading to their removal in 1992. In 2016, Martine Roy, Todd Ross, and Alida Satalic spearheaded a class-action lawsuit, bringing justice to hundreds of Purge survivors.

Two-Spirit Communities: 35 years since the adoption of the term "Two-Spirit" by Indigenous leaders, 10 years since the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Final Report and its 94 Calls to Action, and 5 years since the release of the Final Report on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit Peoples with its 231 Calls for Justice.

Join us for incredible discussions and performances with 2SLGBTQIA+ community leaders who have shaped our history.


Event Details:
Who’s gonna be there? The individuals presenting at each event will vary, including a mix of international, national, and local voices speaking to this year’s themes of visibility. The full list will be released in March 2025.
What’s happening? discussions and performances with 2SLGBTQIA+ community leaders who have shaped our history.
Are there any costs? Most events are free and bilingual. You are invited to make a donation to support our programming, but that is completely optional.
What if I have accessibility needs? All venues include many accessible features, however if you have specific accessibility needs, please let us know 15 days before the event so we can make accommodations.

Join us in thanking our Sponsors: Air Canada, Alberta 2SLGBTQI+ Chamber of Commerce, Camino Wellbeing, Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, Government of Manitoba, Lawrence Licensed Interior Design Inc., LGBT Purge Fund, Quest Audio Visual, Scotiabank, Veterans Affairs Canada, VIA Rial; our amazing volunteers, and donors like YOU!

For more information on this project and to become a sponsor, please contact us at: [email protected]


Tournée Ré-Emergence

Cette année, nous célébrons la réémergence, en rendant hommage aux actions courageuses des militants 2SLGBTQIA+ qui se sont battus et continuent de se battre pour des communautés plus sûres et plus inclusives. Rejoignez-nous pour réfléchir au passé et construire ensemble un avenir meilleur.

Étapes clés et faits marquants :

La purge LGBT - 35 ans plus tard : En 1990, Michelle Douglas a contesté les politiques discriminatoires de l'armée canadienne, ce qui a conduit à leur renvoi en 1992. En 2016, Martine Roy, Todd Ross et Alida Satalic ont mené un recours collectif, rendant justice à des centaines de survivants de la purge.

Communautés bispirituelles : 35 ans depuis l'adoption du terme « bispirituel » par les dirigeants autochtones, 10 ans depuis le rapport final de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation et ses 94 appels à l'action, et 5 ans depuis la publication du rapport final sur les femmes, les filles et les personnes bispirituelles autochtones disparues et assassinées et ses 231 appels à la justice.
Rejoignez-nous pour des discussions et des performances incroyables avec les leaders de la communauté 2SLGBTQIA+ qui ont façonné notre histoire

Détails de l'évènement sont ici: https://www.dayofpink.org/fr/reemergencetour

Joignez-vous à nous pour remercier nos sponsors : Air Canada, la Chambre de commerce de l'Alberta 2SLGBTQI+, Camino Wellbeing, la Chambre de commerce d'Edmonton, le gouvernement du Manitoba, Lawrence Licensed Interior Design Inc., le LGBT Purge Fund, Quest Audio Visual, la Banque Scotia, Anciens Combattants Canada, VIA Rial ; nos incroyable

Pour plus d'informations sur ce projet et pour devenir sponsor, veuillez nous contacter à : [email protected]


Kingston Frontenac Public Library - Central Branch
130 Johnson St
Open / Operational

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2025 ReEmergence Tour / Tournée des RéEmergence 2025 - Mar 3rd @ Kingston Frontenac Public Library - Central Branch

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