Jeremy Young / Nick Kuepfer

Fri. April 4th Hotel Wolfe Island Wolfe Island Ontario By Donation

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Event Info

Jeremy Young / Nick Kuepfer

An evening of creative music.
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. April 4th + Add to Calendar Hotel Wolfe Island (No Minors)
8:30pm - 10:00pm By Donation


Jeremy Young
Rock, Blues, Progressive, Metal from Victoria BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Nick Kuepfer

Event Description

J e r e m y Y o u n g

Jeremy Young is a maker of concrète electronic tape music from Tiohtià:ke/Montréal, Quebec. He is a member of the poetry_sound duo Cloud Circuit, the electroacoustic modern classical trio Sontag Shogun, and library music wave riders Associated Sine Tone Services. His forthcoming record, Cablcar, will be out on 4 April, 2025 via Halocline Trance.

N i c k K u e p f e r

Nick Kuepfer (Constellation records) is a guitar player who weaves nylon string and electric guitar pieces with live-sampled tape loops, recordings of animals, and drones from various sources. His predominantly wordless music ranges from subtle and static to frantic and abrasive, with a methodical, vigilant sense of experimentation guided by the search for consonance and dissonance with the sounds of “nature”. He began performing solo, under his own name, in 2009 and occasionally invites guest players to join him.


Hotel Wolfe Island
Restaurant / Cafe / Pub
Open / Operational

Event Image

Jeremy Young / Nick Kuepfer - Mar 26th @ Hotel Wolfe Island

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