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Blues at The Cove with Miss Emily Band

Fri. February 28th 2025 The Cove Inn Westport Ontario $95

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Blues at The Cove with Miss Emily Band

A show with delicious dinner, world class music and support for local charity.
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. February 28th 2025 + Add to Calendar The Cove Inn (All Ages)
7:00pm - 11:00pm $95 + HST & Gratuity (Dinner, Show + Charity)


Miss Emily
Soulful, vocal-driven blues from Kingston Ontario
Available for Shows/Gigs

Hard-copy tickets

Physical tickets at: The Cove Inn

Event Description

”Miss Emily’s voice has got to be heard to be believed – raw, expressive, transitioning flawlessly from a plaintive cry to a sonorous growl, weaving blues, country and rock while she does it. Miss Emily is unafraid to dig deep when she sings, tackling big, messy feelings in her songs – and you can feel it in every note.” – Rob Baker (The Tragically Hip) Immerse yourself in the intoxicating soul sound of Miss Emily as she takes you on a dynamic ride of ups, downs and all arounds. A Blues at The Cove Series show with delicious dinner, world class music and support for local charity from 7-11pm on Friday, February 28th, 2025!

Blues at The Cove Series 2024/25

For 17 incredible years of music, laughter, community and overall great times, Blues on the Rideau has been one of the longest running Blues music series in Canada! Thanks to the team of James Doran and his wife Diane Leduc-Doran and their Choose the Blues Productions, thousands of ecstatic Blues and live music fans have flocked to The Cove Inn to enjoy evenings of all-out dancing to Canada’s greatest JUNO and Maple Blues Award winning Blues acts. We thank them for all of those years of partnership!

We will continue to produce shows featuring greatest in Blues artists as we transition to Blues at The Cove, highlighting some of the best of the series of the years!

Imagine a warm, intimate venue setting in a historic waterside inn on the Rideau Canal featuring a tasty buffet dinner and a donation to a local charity and you have Blues at The Cove! Join us for the new season!

Call us 613.273.3636 or email [email protected] for reservations!

19th Season of Live Blues at The Cove Inn!
Dinner, Show + Charity $95 +HST
Includes delicious full course buffet style dinner with served dessert, door prizes, dancing and donation to local charity.

Doors 6pm
Dinner 7pm
Show Sets 8:30-9:30pm + 10-11pm

Call 613-273-3636 or email [email protected]

(Well priced accommodation at The Cove, nearby B&B, AirBnb and Westport Station Motel)
MOST SHOWS SELL OUT WELL AHEAD OF SHOW DATES. The earlier you reserve the better the choice of seating location.

We look forward to seeing everyone again soon for another GREAT season Blues at The Cove

Co-Sponsored by:

Black Dog Inn, Westport www.whatsonwestport.ca/profile/the-black-dog-inn/
Gristmill Place, Westport www.thegristmillplace.com
Upper Rideau B&B, Westport www.urbb.ca
The Victorian Luxury Suites, Westport www.thevictoriansuites.com
Lake + Main Skin Health, Westport www.lakeandmain.ca
Pinecone Westport, Westport www.instagram.com/pineconewestport
Top Shelf Distillers, Perth www.topshelfdistillers.com
Perth Brewery, Perth www.perthbrewery.ca
Kingston Sound Works, Kingston www.kingstonsoundworks.com

To keep up to date on everything at the Cove, including Blues at The Cove, please join our Mailing List www.coveinn.com/mailinglist. Thanks and we look forward to seeing you again soon and keeping in touch!

Friday, February 28, 2025
Miss Emily (Kingston)
MISS EMILY (From www.themissemily.com)

In February of 2020, only days after Miss Emily celebrated the Maple Blues triple crown of Female Vocalist, New Artist and Sapphire Blues Video of the year, the world shut down. You could still hear the roar of the crowd as the door slammed shut on performances, recording and almost everything else in the music industry. For the first time in two decades, Miss Emily had an empty calendar. With no frame of reference for pandemics or lockdowns, it took some time to understand what the next steps should be. Somewhere between virtual shows and long nights sequestered in the music room, an idea began to take shape. Of the many cancelled shows, perhaps the most disappointing loss was a return to the venue that had become a second home; The Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts in her adopted hometown of Kingston. After six sellout, foundation-rattling shows, fans, band, and team members alike had been looking forward to extending the streak. In a moment of reminiscence and sadness, it occurred to Emily that she had professional recordings from each show at the Isabel. That’s nearly ten albums worth of songs.

After a quick call, Team Emily got to work reviewing every song from each of the six shows. It was a monumental task but with time frozen in the wake of COVID, trimming 150 songs down to 15 tracks went from nearly impossible to a recorded reality by fall of 2020.

“LIVE at the Isabel” was released on October 30, 2020 to rave reviews but due to the never-ending pandemic she couldn’t promote it with a tour. So instead, Team Emily submitted it for JUNO consideration. When we shared our submission with music industry insiders, the responses were not what we expected. “You submitted a live album – that’s crazy.” “Live albums don’t get nominated. It’s a waste of time.” Crazy? Not really. Waste of time? Definitely not. On March 1st, 2022 Miss Emily, “LIVE at the Isabel” was nominated for the JUNO Blues Album of the Year.

That sequence of events – from the Maple Blues Awards of 2020 to the 2022 JUNO Nominations – encapsulates all you need to know about Miss Emily. She specializes in overcoming insurmountable challenges and scaling metaphorical mountains. Her work ethic was forged in the foundries of Southern Ontario’s bars and nightclubs. Her resilience is a product of 20 years in an industry that can be, at best, “unfriendly” towards women. She has an innovative spirit and creative force born out of necessity, and her incomparable vocals are surpassed only by her electrifying, roof-rattling performances.

What’s next for Miss Emily? The future is still being written but we can assume a few things. Something will happen that would shatter the character of the strongest soul and she’ll overcome it with grace and unrestrained optimism. Someone will tell her, “No,” and she’ll move forward in spite of the negative response.

And sooner than anybody can predict, the world will shine a bright, white spotlight on the soul-blues dynamo known as Miss Emily. It’s only a matter of time.


The Cove Inn
2 Bedford St
Restaurant / Cafe / Pub
Open / Operational

Event Poster

Blues at The Cove with Miss Emily Band - Mar 3rd @ The Cove Inn

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