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Friday Night Lights at the Museum

Fri. December 6th 2024 Museum of Lennox & Addington Napanee Ontario Free

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Friday Night Lights at the Museum

Listen to live music, explore the galleries, make festive creations + more.
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. December 6th 2024 + Add to Calendar Museum of Lennox & Addington (All Ages)
5:00pm - 8:00pm Free


Andy Forgie

Presented by:

Museum of Lennox & Addington
Open / Operational

Event Description

Friday Night Lights at the Museum
97 Thomas Street East, Napanee ON
Nov 29, Dec 6 & 13
at 5:00PM
- 8:00PM
The Museums of Lennox and Addington invites you to be their guest over the holidays and needs your help to celebrate Friday Night Lights!

Enter the Museum for free where you can listen to live music, explore the galleries, make festive creations with local artists in our Creation Corner, and enjoy the decorated courtyard. Plus, shop the Museum Gift Shop, which will include an exclusive Museum Kids Holiday Shop where youngsters can independently shop for gifts that are $2 or less, as well as get their gifts specially wrapped! Oh, and if you’re looking for more holiday shopping, the Creation Corner may also include a few extra holiday gifts for purchase from the artists themselves and on the final Friday Night Lights on December 13th, catch a horse-drawn wagon to Napanee’s Downtown Shopping Party (available only on December 13th from 5:30-7:30pm).

Before or after your Museum exploration, enjoy an exclusive and immersive candlelight play at Macpherson House for $10 (see details here)!

Friday, November 29
Friday, December 6
Friday, December 13

Time: 5:00-8:00pm, with the Creation Corner open with drop-in local artists from 5:30-6:30pm and musicians starting at 7:00pm
Everyone welcome!
No registration required.

Artists in the Creation Corner @ the Museum (5:30-6:30pm each night):

Friday, December 6th: Holiday Gnomes with Rya and Katelyn Lockeridge of Thread&Colour

These adorable macramé gnomes will have you in the holiday spirit as you make a new ornament for your tree at home.

About the duo behind Thread&Colour: Rya Lockridge, is a devoted mother of two who channels her creative energy into the art of macramé. Behind the scenes of thread and color, Rya dedicates her free time to crafting exquisite macramé pieces, knotting intricate patterns and designs that captivate and inspire. Her commitment to both her family and her craft is a testament to her passion for creating beautiful and intricate works of art. Rya loves sharing her passion running workshops for all ages. Katelyn, a dedicated teacher and a loving mom of three energetic young kids, welcomes you to her world of creativity and learning! Katelyn’s life is a beautiful blend of nurturing young minds in the classroom and nurturing her own creativity through the art of macramé.

Musicians @ the Museum (Live at 7-8pm each night):

Friday, December 6th: Andy Forgie

Andy Forgie will be performing favourites from The Beatles to Broadway!! And something for everyone, in-between. Andy’s varied musical influences and inspirations, touch on several genres and eras…with his trusty guitar, in tow, Andy will lift your spirits on this chilly winter night.

Andy Forgie is one of our region’s, most beloved and sought after entertainers, with a professional music career spanning over five decades! As the lead vocalist and songwriter for his bands “CREED” & “PHOTOGRAPH”, Andy recorded for both Quality Records & Capitol Records in the 1970’s & 80’s. Working alongside the likes of Tom Cochrane & Daniel Lanois, and touring from The Rock to The Rockies!! Over the past 22 years Andy was the lead vocalist with the internationally acclaimed celebration of The Beatles: “All You Need Is Love”…performing in Liverpool-England, Mons-Belgium, and throughout the USA! Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, Andy’s performances for both the young (children’s shows), and the young at heart (music therapy for the elderly) continue to this day.


Museum of Lennox & Addington
97 Thomas St E
Open / Operational

Event Image

Friday Night Lights at the Museum - Mar 31st @ Museum of Lennox & Addington

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