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Songwriting Retreat with Lynn Miles

Fri. September 1st 2023 Leopard Frog Farm Battersea Ontario $300

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Songwriting Retreat with Lynn Miles

Master classes, individual mentorship and song sharing to build creativity.
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Fri. September 1st 2023 + Add to Calendar Leopard Frog Farm (No Minors)
4:00pm - 9:00pm $300.00

Event Description

Leopard Frog will offer a weekend songwriting retreat to support songwriters with master classes, individual mentorship, songwriting space, creativity, collectivity and sharing. One of Canada's finest songwriters, Lynn Miles, will lead the retreat in a beautiful country setting near Battersea. The retreat begins on Friday afternoon with a master class in songwriting by Lynn Miles and all day Saturday there are workshops, individual mentorship and space for writing and song sharing. Meals are included, camping is free and there is an option to record a song demo in the recording studio on site with producer Chris Coleman.


Leopard Frog Farm
4587 Kauffman Ln
Open / Operational

Event Image

Songwriting Retreat with Lynn Miles - Mar 4th @ Leopard Frog Farm

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