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Princess Towers, Funeral Lakes, Piner

Thu. June 29th 2023 Hotel Wolfe Island Wolfe Island Ontario $15

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Event Info

Princess Towers, Funeral Lakes, Piner

Three exceptional local acts perform original alt-folk and roots.
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Thu. June 29th 2023 + Add to Calendar Hotel Wolfe Island (No Minors)
7:00pm - 10:00pm $15 PWYC


Princess Towers
Folk-rock from Kingston Ontario
Available for Shows/Gigs
Funeral Lakes
from Kingston Ontario
Available for Shows/Gigs
Alt-folk from Kingston Ontario
Available for Shows/Gigs

Event Description

$15 / PWYC

Princess Towers
Princess Towers take their name from a 1970s apartment building widely derided as Kingston’s biggest eyesore. Like their namesake, they aim to make audacious design choices and embrace the awkwardness of things in music. Their 2022 debut “Remastered in Stereo” centers on a humble cast of mundane thoughts and feelings, and presents a scale model of their playful approach to folk and country stylings. Following a release tour in fall 2022 and a soundtrack collaboration with Montreal’s Elkabong Theatre in January, construction continues in 2023 with “Freak Fairy Tales,” a new collection of songs about fantastic ordinary things. This summer, bandleader Arden Rogalsky is joined by the towering talents of Claya Way Brackenbury, Michael Broadhead, Liam Cole, and Grace Dixon.

Funeral Lakes
Funeral Lakes began in the spring of 2018, self-producing music in their apartment. After a well-received debut album and a series of EPs, Funeral Lakes has expanded their blend of shoegaze and folk, finding regular rotation on campus and community radio across Canada.

Piner is a singer-songwriter based in Kingston, Ontario, and Antigonish, Nova Scotia. At heart, she is an old soul. Piner grew up in a community rife with musicians who modeled the idea of putting thoughts to song and singing to anyone who cared to listen. One of Piner’s inspirations is her childhood neighbourhood. Growing up in the environs of Skeleton Park in Kingston, Ontario, Piner experienced the wealth that comes from community, while witnessing the reality of struggle.

Piner writes songs of empathy and understanding while stepping into the stories of others. Piner hopes that her songs will allow listeners to connect with the complexities of the greater human experience.


Hotel Wolfe Island
Restaurant / Cafe / Pub
Open / Operational

Event Image

Princess Towers, Funeral Lakes, Piner @ Hotel Wolfe Island Jun 29 2023 - Mar 26th @ Hotel Wolfe Island

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