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West Coast Artists: Karoline Cullen, Helen B. Watt , Peter L. Ramos

Tue. November 12th 2019 new photographers GALLERY Sidney BC Free

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Event Info

West Coast Artists: Karoline Cullen, Helen B. Watt , Peter L. Ramos

Opening exhibit of photographic works by West Coast Artists Karoline Cullen (Del...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Tue. November 12th 2019 + Add to Calendar new photographers GALLERY (All Ages)
11:00 - 5:00 Free


Karoline Cullen
Helen B. Watt
Peter L. Ramos

Presented by:

new photographers GALLERY
2449 Beacon Avenue Sidney BC
Open / Operational

Event Description

Opening exhibit of photographic works by West Coast Artists Karoline Cullen (Delta BC), Helen B. Watt (Sidney BC) and Peter L. Ramos (Victoria BC).

Karoline's "Shore Seen" features remarkable images of Orca families close to shore in Active Pass off Galiano Island.

Helen's "Wonders of the West Coast" presents stunning landscape images along the east and west coasts of Vancouver Island and the Inside Passage.

Peter's "Southern Vancouver Island at the Water Edge" features panoramas of the Swiftsure" start and seascapes on the west coast of Vancouver Island.

10% of the GALLERY commission on all art sales to be donated to: Saanich Peninsula Lions Food Bank, Center for Whale Research and the Raincoast Conservation Foundation.


new photographers GALLERY
2449 Beacon Avenue Sidney BC
Open / Operational

Event Poster

West Coast Artists: Karoline Cullen, Helen B. Watt , Peter L. Ramos @ new photographers GALLERY Nov 12 2019 - Mar 10th @ new photographers GALLERY

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