Event Description
Thrill to the incredible collection of rockin’, swingin’ 20th century R&B poetry that Chuck Berry created over a 25-year creative blitz that then carried him all the way to age 90, before he passed away this year. From Maybellene in 1955 to Pass Away in 1979, Chuck’s raw, rollicking guitar riffs, creative take on R&B and unbeatable, sly, sexy, urgent-yet-cool rhythmic lyrical passages will make you feel the music from head to toe, and round and round and round you'll go!
A crack quartet of Chuck disciples will blow the roof off he joint: Chris Frye, guitar/vocals, Brooke Maxwell, piano/sax/vocals, Scott White, bass/vocals, Matt Pease, drums/vocals. Well if you feel it and like it, go get your lover then reel and rock it!