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Ideas Bobert at the Victoria Fringe

Sun. August 28th 2016 Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre Victoria BC $11

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Ideas Bobert at the Victoria Fringe:

“(Candy)Roberts is Funny”-Vancouver Presents “Impossible to Resist”- Mo...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sun. August 28th 2016 + Add to Calendar Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre (All Ages)
4:00pm - 4:50pm  Doors at: 3:30pm $11.00

Hard-copy tickets

Physical tickets at: http://www.ticketrocket.com/

Event Description

“(Candy)Roberts is Funny”-Vancouver Presents
“Impossible to Resist”- Montreal Gazette

Do you listen to the cogs that whir in your head, or to the song of your heart that flutters in your chest? Teetering on the brink of absolute failure, Love-sick Bobert discovers his heart to be more than he knew. From award winning creator Candy Roberts comes a one woman whimsical brew of physical comedy and conundrum. Ridiculous and preposterous! Like Ginger Rogers meets Mr. Bean, Ideas Bobert dances with the absurd.

Multi-Media Physical Comedy


Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre
2657 Quadra St
Open / Operational

Event Image

Ideas Bobert at the Victoria Fringe @ Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre Aug 28 2016 - Mar 5th @ Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre

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