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Foghorn Stringband

Thu. January 29th 2015 Victoria Event Centre Victoria BC $15-$20

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Foghorn Stringband

Internationally acclaimed Foghorn Stringband has been at the vanguard of a reviv...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Thu. January 29th 2015 + Add to Calendar Victoria Event Centre (No Minors)
8:00pm  Doors at: 7:30pm $15 advance; $20 @ the door


Foghorn Stringband

Presented by:

Victoria Bluegrass Association
The VBA brings people together for the enjoyment, advancemen...
Victoria BC
Open / Operational

Hard-copy tickets

Physical tickets at: Brown Paper Tickets

Event Description

Internationally acclaimed Foghorn Stringband has been at the vanguard of a revival in American old-time music for over a decade now. They've traveled the globe and inspired a new generation of old-time musicians without compromising their love of traditional American music. But they've gathered new ideas and new band members too. Their unique sound is rooted in the fiery, intertwining melodies of Stephen "Sammy" Lind's fiddle and Caleb Klauder's mandolin, supported by the bedrock-solid rhythm foundation of Reeb Willms' guitar and Nadine Landry's bass. And when it comes to vocals, they deliver; four powerful and exceptional voices resulting in countless combinations of harmonies. A typical Foghorn set is based around exquisitely rare old-time tunes and songs, but a vast knowledge of early country music and recent explorations in Cajun song traditions have molded a powerful new sound. Any band would be happy to have mastered one music genre, but Foghorn Stringband have a roaming spirit, and are already sparking new revivals of American roots music traditions.


Victoria Event Centre
1415 Broad Street
Multi-Purpose / Hall
Accessible see details
Open / Operational

Event Image

Foghorn Stringband @ Victoria Event Centre Jan 29 2015 - Mar 5th @ Victoria Event Centre

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