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Colony Collapse Tour: Lee Reed of Warsawpack, Test Their Logik

Sun. March 24th 2013 Lucky Bar Victoria BC $8-$10

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Colony Collapse Tour: Lee Reed of Warsawpack, Test Their Logik

Legendary hip-hop duo TEST THEIR LOGIK from T-dot, touring their second epic alb...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sun. March 24th 2013 + Add to Calendar Lucky Bar (No Minors)
9:00pm - 12:00am  Doors at: 8:00pm $8/10


Lee Reed of Warsawpack
Test Their Logik
Revolutionary Hip Hop from Ontario

Presented by:


Hard-copy tickets

Physical tickets at: Camas Book and Infoshop, 2620 Quadra

Event Description

Legendary hip-hop duo TEST THEIR LOGIK from T-dot, touring their second epic album **BE**. plus the people's hero LEE REED from Warsawpack.

Tix $8 advance (Camas Books) $10 door.
Sponsored by Forest Action Network ~ http://wildcoast.ca/

http://testtheirlogik.com/ ~ http://leereed.ca/

LEE REED is a state-bashing, bank-crashing, mic-eating monster, and a respected veteran of the Canadian Indie music scene. Best known as the incendiary mouthpiece for the legendary Warsawpack, Reed has been in the game for nearly 2 decades. Hiis latest independent LP "Emergency Broadcast" spent 4 weeks at #1 on the Hamilton charts; packed area performances; had play on CBC Radio3 and Radio2; and garnered glowing praise from every music
journalist in his city's daily, weekly and periodic publications.

I... show more


Lucky Bar
517 Yates
Bar / Nightclub
Open / Operational

Event Poster

Colony Collapse Tour: Lee Reed of Warsawpack, Test Their Logik @ Lucky Bar Mar 24 2013 - Mar 8th @ Lucky Bar

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