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Life CAN suck, SO what can I do?: HEADLINERS, Alion, Gerry Barnum, Sunk City, Ha...

Sat. February 27th 2010 Fairview Community School Nanaimo BC

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Life CAN suck, SO what can I do?: HEADLINERS, Alion, Gerry Barnum, Sunk City, Handsome and the Horribles, Steven Ill Lyrics Dickinson , The Whiteboard Project, Gold & Shadow

Benefit Concert – “Life CAN suck, SO what can I do?” When: Saturday, Febru...
Event can be attended in person In-Person Event
Sat. February 27th 2010 + Add to Calendar Fairview Community School (All Ages)
12:00pm - 10:00pm  Doors at: 11:00am Donation


Gerry Barnum
from Errington BC
Sunk City
Handsome and the Horribles
indie from Nanaimo BC
circa 2008 - circa 2010
Steven Ill Lyrics Dickinson
The Whiteboard Project
from Naniamo BC
Available for Shows/Gigs
Gold & Shadow

Presented by:

Static Entertainment & Publishing

Event Description

Benefit Concert – “Life CAN suck, SO what can I do?” When: Saturday, February 27th
Where: Fairview Community School Gym
205 Howard Ave, Nanaimo, BC
Time: 12 pm – 10 pm (doors open at 11am)
Cost: by donation

Static Entertainment & Publishing is putting on a benefit concert to bring immediate awareness to the severity of depression in teens and their silent cries for help; to let them know they are not alone, and to provide them with the resources that are accessible to them. It takes a community to raise a child, therefore, starting right here in Nanaimo, we are committed to helping them take action through freedom of speech (THEIR perspectives on depression and seeking help), and offering them hope through inspirational stories from their peers. We are promoting resources that provide them with tools necessary for coping with life, and creating the change necessary to see life through new eyes. Help us help them to fight for their rights!

The benefit concert's main objective is to raise awareness on the lack of resources available to youth suffering from depression. We also want youth to have knowledge and access to the resources that are available, but difficult to find. We are offering hope through others sharing on their experience of getting through depression. All donations we collect will go towards covering the cost of the event (PA eqp't, lighting, gym rental, etc.) with any proceeds held for future events and or resources that require extra funding.

OUR youth WILL be SEEN & HEARD on this very special day!

We are compiling resources to have in one place so that teens in Nanaimo are given the best chances at beating depression. There will also be information booths set up where resources will have information to hand out to the youth and their families in attendance.


NO DRUGS, ALCOHOL OR SMOKING IS ALLOWED ON PREMISES! We will have security checking bags on entry as we put high priority on everyone’s safety. Smoking will be allowed on the sidewalks surrounding the school and butt cans will be provided.

So, where are the proceeds from this benefit concert going? We are more interested in raising awareness to the public about the need for more funding for resources to be of more help for our youth, however, we will be accepting donations as well as putting together a silent auction.

We are hoping to raise funds so we can do future events and help some community resources in need of funding. With that in mind, 50% of the proceeds from the concert will be held for future events and the other 50% is going to community resources that help youth.

We are setting up a voting booth at the concert to allow for the public to have some input and responsibility in deciding where the proceeds are to go. We are hearing the needs of the different community resources to find out where the help is needed the most. We will inform everyone at the benefit concert as well as right here online of the needs of our community resources to be considered in your vote and make a decision based on your votes. Please take the time to follow the links provided here and make suggestions as to where you think the money is most useful.

The Youth Safe House requires funding for things like buying much needed undergarments, entertainment, quilts, birthdays, etc. for the homeless or transitioning youth in their care. http://www.tillicumhaus.ca/friendshiphaus.htm The Youth Safe House distributes unused items that come in through donations to other resources in need if they can’t use it. Nothing is wasted as they are connected with all other urban programs. Youth Safe House will have some speakers at the event to let you know what they offer. They also have a young lady they are sending to be Seen & Heard on her perspectives of the issue of depression and getting help. You will also have an opportunity to see the youth they help in person attending the concert.

Kids Help Phone needs funds because there are so many kids online asking for help and getting online counseling that there getting backed up and have to shut down once a week to clear all the back log. There are so many kids using there online service that sometimes there cries for help can take up to 6 days to respond. Some of those questions are life or death. They need more funding to expand their system to support more online help. http://org.kidshelpphone.ca/en/media-centre/video-psa/quotes They will have a presence at the event to speak to you about their services.

The Crisis Society http://www.cvics.ca provides a 24 hour crisis line for people in need, and to provide public education and access to community resources. They will also be speaking about their resource at this event and be available to answer any questions you may have on their services. http://www.parksidefamilyprograms.com/crisis_society.htm

Youth Space doesn’t have the funding to be able to send a representative to Nanaimo to speak on behalf of their service. Perhaps if they had more funding, more youth would be aware of what they have to offer? We will have information from them at the event that they sent us to pass out.

The Youth Against Violence Line is designed to encourage young people to take an active role in preventing violence amongst their peers. They partnered with Information Services Vancouver (ISV) offering a toll-free 24/7 live help line where young people could talk one-on-one, in confidence and anonymously to a support worker. It is a non-profit agency that has been approved to operate telephone help lines for British Columbians. The staff at ISV are certified professionals, trained to help youth who are experiencing threatening and violent situations, or other difficult life situations. http://www.youthagainstviolenceline.com/about.html http://www.youthagainstviolenceline.com/YAVL_Infosheet_Final.pdf They also don’t have the funding to be able to send a representative to Nanaimo to speak on behalf of their service. Perhaps if they had more funding, more youth would be aware of what they have to offer? We will have information from them at the event that they sent us to pass out.

Youth In BC http://youthinbc.com/about-us/
They also don’t have the funding to be able to send a representative to Nanaimo to speak on behalf of their service. Perhaps if they had more funding, more youth would be aware of what they have to offer? We will have information from them at the event that they sent us to pass out.

It's hard to make the decision, so we thought it would be best to present the needs to the public and give them an opportunity to make an informed vote.

We welcome any suggestions you may have and thank you for your interest. If the public opinion is against voting, we will divide the funds equally amongst all of them involved in our benefit concert.

17 Bands performing!: West My Friend, SunkCity, Myles Black & The Pearly Whites, Uncle Chubby, Sarah Wood, Theo, Handsome & The Horribles, Pauline Edwards, Steven Ill Lyrics Dickinson, Syl Pike, Gerry Barnum, Gold & Shadow, Plastic Chair Explosion, Headliners (School of Rock), The Whiteboard Project, Alion (Progressive Dubb/Reggae) and Braeden Marshal.

Resources Booths:
Crisis Society
Youth Against Violence
Youth In BC
Kids Help Phone
Narcotics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alanon & Alateen
Youth Safe House

Silent Auction:
Painting by Wallace
Paintings by youth from the youth safe house

Music Maxx http://www.musicmaxx.com
Tim Horton’s http://www.timhortons.com/ca/en/index.html
Tea Leaf Specialty Teas & Cafe http://www.tealeafteas.com
Thrifty Foods http://www.thriftyfoods.com

Media Involvement:
A Channel (CTV Global Media) http://www.atv.ca/victoria/news_26499.aspx
People First Radio http://www.columbiancentresociety.com/pfr.php
Go Nanaimo http://blog.gonanaimo.com/life-can-suck-benefit
Harbour Living http://www.harbourliving.ca/event/life-can-suck-so-what-can-i-do/
Kijiji http://nanaimo.kijiji.ca/c-community-events-Life-CAN-suck-SO-what-can-I-do-W0QQAdIdZ178742995
Craigslist http://nanaimo.en.craigslist.ca/eve/1555907236.html
MySpace http://event.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=events.detail&eventID=521399.17368
VanIsle Music http://vanislemusic.com
The Navigator Newspaper http://www.thenav.ca/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/monalisa73?ref=profile#/group.php?gid=278704637575&ref=ts
Nanaimo News Bulletin http://www.bclocalnews.com/vancouver_island_central/nanaimonewsbulletin/

Static Entertainment & Publishing
15-298 Howard Ave
Nanaimo, BC V9R 3R5
Mona-Lisa Carstensen


Fairview Community School

Event Image

Life CAN suck, SO what can I do?: HEADLINERS, Alion, Gerry Barnum, Sunk City, Handsome and the Horribles, Steven Ill Lyrics Dickinson , The Whiteboard Project, Gold & Shadow  @ Fairview Community School Feb 27 2010 - Mar 10th @ Fairview Community School

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