Something Else Records

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Something Else Records

207 Wellington St. Kingston Ontario
Something Else Records is a record shop located in downtown Kingston. We opened in November 2018. We decided to open the shop only two days after the birth of our son Wilder, spent the summer looking for the perfect location, spent a couple months getting set up, and then finally opened in the fall. We both grew up on the outskirts of Toronto, and as a couple have moved around between Toronto, Ottawa and Kingston for the last 15 years. Finding ourselves back in Kingston, we took the plunge and opened the shop, something that had been in the works for over a decade.
The albums you buy in our shop will be albums you'll want to have in your collection forever.

Coming from a deep love of music and art, and a lifetime of sharing that love, we wanted the shop to be about good music, quality pressings, and community. The albums you buy in our shop will be albums you'll want to have in your collection forever. In opening the shop we really wanted to create a space to bring the music and art community of Kingston together. We hold frequent in-store concerts with local musicians and we feature a large selection of local albums, and print art by local artists.
We hold frequent in-store concerts with local musicians and we feature a large selection of local albums, and print art by local artists.

In the shop you will find new and used records, books, cassettes, LP accessories (sleeves, etc.), record players, record storage, local music & art, a piano, lots of plants, a very floral vintage couch, and often a toddler.

And we buy vinyl!
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Address207 Wellington St.

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