Blues Rock Duo from Vancouver BC
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LAND - Inspired by the possibilities born out of jam-based rock music, this 2 man blues-driven band focuses on tightly crafted music that's strongly rooted in spontaneity. Thrust forward on a wave of fuzz-laden grooves and reverb echoes, the vocals reveal stories of love, darkness, and hope, setting the tone for the band's inspired musical soundscape. Embracing a curiosity into the deeper origins of rock music, their sound and live energy has been compared to visionary bands like Cream and the Grateful Dead as well as retro revivalists like the White Stripes and Black Keys.
Broken Up

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LAND- Self Titled
It's a rare occasion when an album captures me with such force on the first listen and keeps me rapt until the closing note, but this one takes the prize. In fact this is one of the best albums i have ever heard. Rob Nicholls and Galen Rigt...
Author: Nate Pike
Published by: The Skinny Magazine
Hawaiian Bibles / Land / Owl Drugs / Mohawk Lodge @ The Astoria
Music Waste 2008 Jesus fucking CHRIST!!! This city is a veritable loot-bag of musical talent, and it becomes more apparent to me every time I get my ass out to see some live music that there's much more going on under my nose than I thou...
Published by: The Skinny Magazine
Author: Nathan Pike

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