
Rock from Vancouver BC
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since circa 2003
If rock ‘n’ roll was a fable, it would be Hansel And Gretel.

For the past decade, the world’s most popular musical genre hasn’t been able to find the path of breadcrumbs it laid down. They’ve been sucked up by saccharine bands only interested in immediate gain. There’s no substance; no reason to care.

“Over the years, I think rock has really lost its way,” says Krome guitarist/vocalist Shawn Meehan. “There have been great expressions like how grunge was a rebellion to the ‘80s but rock started out being young and rebellious. It was all about pissing off your parents and having a good time. It hasn’t been like that for a long time.”

Krome is about to change that. Formed by Meehan in 2004, the Vancouver, B.C. quartet has become one of Canada’s most hard rockin’, relentless bands. Two albums, countless tours and a host of bewitching tunes have certified them as dedicated independent rockers.

And now, they’ve made it their mission to bring this bereaved scene back to a point of essence and power. Krome is the new trail of stones shining in the moonlight thanks to the simple sincerity of tertiary full-length Kronic Rock (Cordova Bay Entertainment). Forged on the fires of spir... show more

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Current Lineup

Shawn Meehan
Adam Reid
2008 - present
Adam Reid
Bass, Backing Vocals
2008 - present
Derek Merrell
2010 - present
Seamus O'Neil
2011 - present

Past Members

Rod Senft
? - 2008
Rick Williams
? - 2008
Randy Robertson
2003 - 2009
Scott Aquino
2008 - 2011

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