Directed by Mike Downie, the film stars The Tragically Hip, Jay Baruchel, Bruce McCulloch, Will Arnett, Geddy Lee, Dan Aykroyd, Ron MacLean, Sarah Harmer, Tom Wilson, Justin Trudeau
A non-competitive celebration of music featuring youth musicians from Belleville, Kingston, and Greater Napanee.
Against Me! singer tours new album, Hole In My Head, with May 14 show at The Broom Factory
Kingston musician is the first of four artists chosen for pilot program.
Ottawa art-pop collective joined by Kingston's Luella November 11
An interview with local folk duo Jonny Porter and Martina Lake.
Ousted from their current home, funds are needed for an expensive move.
New indie folk duo release debut single, Muscle Memory.
The feather-voiced Gananoque singer-songwriter performs live at The Cove Inn Thursday, May 16
Shanique Peart and Shenel Williams, Krista Muir, and Chantal Thompson selected for 2024 artists-in-residence.
A long-awaited debut from one of Kngston's most accomplished musicians.