Michelle Kasaboski - "The Strikeout Swing" (Original) | Performance Video for THE SHOT Finale -

Thank you so much for your support in THE SHOT over the past 8 months! I am so excited to be named this season's winner and can't wait to keep sharing my original music and artistry with you. Stay tuned - and subscribe - there's lots more to come (including a live virtual & in-person show of original music THIS Friday Nov 27 @ 7:30 PM EST - ticket link below)!

Here is the video performance of my original song "The Strikeout Swing" featured in the The Shot finale, recorded live off the floor in the Queen's University Dan School of Drama and Music Studio Theatre, located in the Isabel Bader in Kingston, Ontario.

TICKETS - Live @ The Isabel Concert Hall Nov 27: https://www.queensu.ca/theisabel/content/michelle-kasaboski

Watch the full Shot finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsit3vvOcEc

Follow me on Social Media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michellekasaboski
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michellekasaboskimusic
Website: https://www.michellekasaboski.com
Relevance: Local Artists
In this Video Artist(s) Michelle Kasaboski
Posted: May. 3, 2023

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