Directed by Mike Downie, the film stars The Tragically Hip, Jay Baruchel, Bruce McCulloch, Will Arnett, Geddy Lee, Dan Aykroyd, Ron MacLean, Sarah Harmer, Tom Wilson, Justin Trudeau
Subscription tickets on sale November 22
Kingston's annual, all-local music festival takes place Saturday, May 7
Students are changing their habits, and bars are scrambling to adapt.
Kingston Live co-founder, Rob Howard, shows off the new Kingston Live website and discusses Kingston's thriving music scene with CKWS Global News' The Morning Show host, Bill Welychka.
Blue Canoe youth-focused arts festival now accepting applications for annual Battle of the Bands until March 15.
Section 22 Order temporarily bans live music in Kingston
Hard rock luminaries to play Stages Nightclub on June 18
Napanee band wins Battle of the Bands competition on the eve of their debut single release.
Close to 40 Kingston performers enter annual music competition.
A Tourism Kingston local music education session featuring Justin Tessier of The Blue Stones, and Zane Whitfield or North of Princess Recording Studio.
Trio aims to raise $20,000 for first album in 8 years.
Applications now open until April 19 for local performing artists.
Kingston musicians have a place to practice again