Japan's modern Taiko troupe brings their Hinotori – The Wings of Phoenix show to Kingston on April 14
Group classes start up on Saturdays in Sept 2023 at the Maberly Hall, under direction of Cindy McCall.
The Escape precedes the indie-folk trio's debut album this spring
New webinar series exposes critical aspects of entertainment law Canadian musicians need to know.
"Best of Me" blends seventies roots rock, alt-country, and folky Americana.
Today, premier Doug Ford announced modifications to Step Two of Ontario's Roadmap to Reopen that restricts live music performances as of January 5 until at least January 17, 2022. These restrictions apply to indoor concert venues, theatres...
Miss Emily and The Gertrudes amongst new batch of Kingston artists selected.
Blue Canoe youth-focused arts festival now accepting applications for annual Battle of the Bands until March 15.
CACRP recovery fund will help ease the financial risks for live music venues, festival organizers, promoters and artists.
The Kingston composer and producer will be joining New Hermitage and Joyful Joyful as artists-in-residence at Hotel Wolfe Island.
Venue that hosted early Tragically Hip shows told rent will rise 300% over 5 years
Kingston hip hop artist collaborates with Puff Daddy protégé
Third Time's a Charm's debut release, "Fading Innocence," chosen for Indie Song of the Day
City Council to consider proposed name at meeting December 19, 2023