CLMA praises proposal in support of businesses facing COVID challenges
The Coalition of the Hardest Hit Businesses praises the Government’s legislative proposal to provide much-needed support to the tourism and hospitality sectors.
Bill C-2, An Act to provide further support in response to COVID-19, is the first Bill introduced in the House Commons by the new Liberal Government and makes good on commitments to save valuable business and jobs that are critical to Canada’s economy. It includes the extension of subsidies under the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS), and the Canada Recovery Hiring Program until May 7, 2022.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, live music has been devastated by business closures, capacity restrictions, border closures, travel bans, and the loss of international and domestic travellers.
“The live music industry continues to face significant financial hardships as COVID-19 challenges carry into winter 2022,” says Erin Benjamin, President & CEO of the
CLMA. “Our sector was among the first and hardest hit by the pandemic. It is clear that this bill recognizes the critical support our industry needs in order to survive and recover.”
The CLMA, with the Coalition, also notes that this legislation was made possible because of the personal engagement of the federal Cabinet and the broad-base support among all Members of Parliament in the House of Commons who understand the importance of the tourism sector’s recovery to Canada’s economic growth and global competitiveness.
The Coalition urges all MPs to pass this Bill as quickly as possible to ensure continued support to tourism businesses in Canada.
Posted: May 3, 2023
Originally Published: Nov 25, 2021
In this Article Resource(s) Canadian Live Music Association