Chris Vacant

industrial / metal / electronic / progressive / other..... from Vancouver BC
Age: 35 (estimated)
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Chris Vacant

Guitar Advanced Amateur
Vocals Advanced Amateur
Piano/Keyboards Intermediate Amateur
Composition/Songwriting Advanced Amateur
Other: bass, synth, knobs and dials
I'm ultimately looking for committed musicians with good taste in music to join/start a band with that will go somewhere. Preferably people who are as open minded as me and are into combining lots of different styles and experimenting.
I have a solo project called fantacide. Check out the link below for some samples of music i have created:

I've played in a few bands in the last couple of years ranging from a new metal band to a classic rock band to a symphonic / black / death / power metal band(

Some more about me: I'm 21. I can also sing. I've been playing for about 10 years now(only a couple of years seriously) I have good equipment and transportation and am reliable.

some of my favorate bands/artists:

Foetus, J.G. Thirlwell, Pig, Raymond Watts, Nine Inch Nails, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Steriod Maximus, Tool, A Perfect Circle, KMFDM, Slick Idiot, John 5, Marilyn Manson, Monster Magnet, Alice Cooper, White/Rob Zombie, Static-X, Bile, Ministry, Rammstein, Therion, Nightwish, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of Filth, Type O Negative, Megadeth, Symphony X, Nevermore, Nightwish, Opeth, Cradle of Filth, Skinny Puppy, Oh... show more

Community Events

Current Projects

Faith Hazard
2009 - present
i play everything
2007 - present
Vacant Music
i play everything
2006 - present

Past Projects

Ashes Of Winter
2006 - 2007
Nephilim Nocturne
The Dirty Boys
2005 - 2006
This Day On
2004 - 2005

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