Profile Image: Jay Aymar

Jay Aymar

Acoustic Storytelling from Toronto Ontario


Jay Aymar

Guitar Professional
Jay Aymar is a Canadian singer-songwriter who mixes elements of folk and roots music with introspective, often poetic lyrics. He counts many veteran industry insiders as fans, and performs over 200 North American shows per year. Nominated by the Canadian Folk Music Awards for Emerging Artist of the Year in 2010; he is currently working on his sixth CD of self-penned material.

"Not just another singer-songwriter, Jay Aymar has both the storytelling gift and a natural musicality. His muse takes him to unusual places and unexpected perspectives, and his music is brains and heart in equal measure. His most famous song, “My Cherry Coloured Rose,” (covered by the Legendary Ian Tyson) is unlike any other you’ve ever heard. The man may have greatness in him. We’ll all have to watch."
Jerome Clark, author, songwriter, music critic – Rambles Magazine

Jay Aymar: Everything you need to know about a traveling singer

Fact: You need a bio.
Why? So people who are thinking of hiring you know what they are buying. So that media people can find out all about you. So you can have something up on your website. So your fans know who you are and wh... show more
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