Directed by Mike Downie, the film stars The Tragically Hip, Jay Baruchel, Bruce McCulloch, Will Arnett, Geddy Lee, Dan Aykroyd, Ron MacLean, Sarah Harmer, Tom Wilson, Justin Trudeau
Montreal four-piece headlines show at The Mansion November 4 with Hallowood, Mason FM
A review of the Grand OnStage presentation of Béla Fleck and Abigail Washburn, April 5, 2024.
Kingston's annual, all-local music festival takes place Saturday, May 7
Musical "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" opens today at The Spire is the first production by new Seniors Theatre Group.
FASTFAST Music for Media envisioned as new service for music supervisors to license Kingston-made music for film, video game and other media.
Montreal trio celebrates release of new Chameleon LP at The Mansion September 28.
Annual Queen's University Orientation Roundtable (ORT) Mystery Concert made a splash.
New webinar series exposes critical aspects of entertainment law Canadian musicians need to know.
Proceeds from new song going to the Canadian Mental Health Association.