A Tourism Kingston local music education session featuring Justin Tessier of The Blue Stones, and Zane Whitfield or North of Princess Recording Studio.
All proceeds will go to Joe's M.I.L.L.
The Kingston composer and producer will be joining New Hermitage and Joyful Joyful as artists-in-residence at Hotel Wolfe Island.
New single marks Lamon’s reemergence from two years touring her debut EP.
Subscription tickets on sale November 22
The Mattress Shop Series will see three live music events inside the Kingston Penitentiary.
A Tourism Kingston local music education session featuring Justin Tessier of The Blue Stones, and Zane Whitfield or North of Princess Recording Studio.
Exclusive premiere on episode 30.
$80,000 will be awarded directly to local artists
A Part Of It urges Canadians to challenge government officials to incentivize affordable and non-market housing.
A Kingston musician is using his time working in mental health as a means to give back to the sector locally. Rich Tyo has spent two years working on the songs that make up the new album ‘Inner Space Outer Space by Kingston group, JukeB...
June 16 event will raise money for expansion needed to address surging demands on Princess St. facility.
Local talent takes the spotlight at the MacKinnon Bros. annual beer and music festival.
Applications now open until April 19 for local performing artists.