Kingston forms the bedrock of Canada's music scene.
New single marks Lamon’s reemergence from two years touring her debut EP.
The Embassy assembling new compilation CD to raise funds for Kingston live music venue.
The Kingston composer and producer will be joining New Hermitage and Joyful Joyful as artists-in-residence at Hotel Wolfe Island.
Anna Robertson and Dee Prescott share details on surprise new album and future plans.
Subscription tickets on sale November 22
Two Kingston music artists were recognized by Mayor Bryan Patterson for their artistic achievement and cultural contribution at the annual Mayor's Arts Awards ceremony on December 6, 2021 at the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning.
Doug vanderHorden is a passionate man. He’s been playing music for well over 20 years as a frontman, singer, guitarist, drummer, and percussionist. More recently, he’s been Kingston’s loudest civilian voice about the realities of huma...
A Part Of It urges Canadians to challenge government officials to incentivize affordable and non-market housing.
Your guide to Kingston’s 2019 summer music festivals.
A time capsule of early nineties Hip.