Kingston Live podcast episode 69
$80,000 will be awarded directly to local artists
Bonus podcast episode and exclusive Kingston Live interview.
Murphy's band 80s Enuff! performs live at The Cove Inn, June 30
Aruna & The Sirens, The Caledonias set to perform at special Solidari-Tea concert at Next Church, November 30.
Live music industry workers—including artists, venues, promoters and managers—encouraged to take first-ever survey by June 6, 2024
A Part Of It urges Canadians to challenge government officials to incentivize affordable and non-market housing.
Kingstonian and former MuchMusic VJ has become one of Canada’s most enduring, recognizable, and respected television personalities.
Acclaimed Delta blues disciple and storyteller extraordinaire plays The Cove Inn, November 14.
Historic “Electronic Ecology” sonic artwork invites public interaction July 13 to 22
The Geary Avenue event space comes handily attached to Blood Brothers Brewing