Turpin's Trail member performs solo at The Cove Inn, Friday, June 21.
Kingston Live podcast episode 57
Renowned Toronto singer-songwriter to be accompanied by sons for first-time ever family performance at Blu Martini, March 2.
Chris Koster pitches in on production of. "Strangers I Used To Love," out January 31
City hosts Canada’s Biggest Night in Music for the fifth time.
Hard rock luminaries to play Stages Nightclub on June 18
Apply now to play YGK Craft Beer Fest 2024 and Fort Henry's Eclipse Event
Kingston's Slaight Music Video Showcase program produces international award-winning result for The Gertrudes
Summer has not yet officially arrived, and but music lovers are already looking to the fall season as the Festival of Small Halls was announced this week.
New network for music business workers under 35 seeking members to connect across subsectors; with industry veterans; and with resources and opportunities.