Japan's modern Taiko troupe brings their Hinotori – The Wings of Phoenix show to Kingston on April 14
The annual festival is accepting applications from Kingston-based bands and musical mentors until March 24.
Three Kingston-based acts are in the running for the 2021 Toyota Searchlight grand prize.
A long-awaited debut from one of Kngston's most accomplished musicians.
The Kingston music scene got a nice kickstart to 2019, as the Kingston Live podcast launched its first episode on January 1. Since then, they have produced 13 episodes, covering a variety of musical genres, along with all the major fest...
Will's out. Jonas of The Wilderness is in.
Ted Evans cements a sound for his solo project with release of "Let It Go."
Section 22 Order temporarily bans live music in Kingston
New Carolina single precedes the November release
Volunteers to attend award ceremony hosted by Jully Black on June 10 in Toronto as part of Canadian Music Week.
Kingston's annual, all-local music festival takes place Saturday, May 7
CACRP recovery fund will help ease the financial risks for live music venues, festival organizers, promoters and artists.
More restrictions lifted permitting food and drink indoors, return to regular operating hours.
Remix by Jasvins just in time for warm weather joyrides.