Directed by Mike Downie, the film stars The Tragically Hip, Jay Baruchel, Bruce McCulloch, Will Arnett, Geddy Lee, Dan Aykroyd, Ron MacLean, Sarah Harmer, Tom Wilson, Justin Trudeau
Annual fundraiser to take place Sunday September 8 at the Garrison Golf Club
Five acts set to rock fundraiser at The Grad Club October 19 for Alex Young
Co-founders recount Kingston Live’s origin and impact on the local music community.
Proceeds from new song going to the Canadian Mental Health Association.
The Escape precedes the indie-folk trio's debut album this spring
A long-awaited debut from one of Kngston's most accomplished musicians.
Released April 5, North American Martyrs pokes at "glorified narratives about Canadian history."
Kingston Live podcast episode 66
Kingston Live podcast episode 59
The festival brought together five of the region’s best under-20 bands for a free, non-competitive afternoon of music.
Cultivate Kingston offering $1,000 to winner of local talent contest.
Tim and band tour Full Rainbow Of Light album with stop in Kingston on December 11