Beloved Kingston singer up for Female Vocalist of the Year
Concert venues, bars and restaurants drop to 50% capacity as of December 19
Proceeds from new song going to the Canadian Mental Health Association.
Stephen here. Today marks the launch of my band's 2023 Indiegogo campaign that aims to land our new record "Before the Collapse of the Hive" in your hands as soon as possible.
Annual awards ceremony takes place Monday, November 6 at 7 p.m. in City Hall
Students are changing their habits, and bars are scrambling to adapt.
Musicians reflect on the pandemic's impact on the industry
Local indie-pop artist releases new song, Do You, with self-directed music video
Nominations are due by Friday, August 9 at 5 p.m.
Tim and band tour Full Rainbow Of Light album with stop in Kingston on December 11
Drastic rent hikes imperil this venerable—and valuable—venue.
Slush Puppie Place is upgrading its audio system this summer.