Matt is a musician that just loves to play. He never really looks at the clock except for when he knows he is being told to stop playing! Playing rock and roll is just what he does and every single gig, he shows it! Catch some extra spirit when he plays The Cove Inn on Friday, August 9 from 5-8 pm (web link).

Seamus Cowan: Matt, I have not met anyone like you. You have a joie de vivre that is unmatched. When you get on stage, you become one with the crowd, and so generous with your entertainment. Where does all that come from?

Matt Dickson: Thanks Seamus for your kind words. Entertaining and music have been my calling for as long as I can remember. Watching folks laugh, sing and be in the moment are truly one of my greatest pleasures. I just love the spontaneity of a live performance, meeting such wonderful people and knowing that anything might happen. It’s very exhilarating! Being on the edge is scary, but a wonderful natural high. Every show is unique and personal. I was the class clown. The laughter gave me great joy. I believe this is my gift and I’m so happy to share.

Q: Being a classic rock, marathon man is not an easy job, but it seems extremely easy to you. Clearly you have gone through years and years of internalizing the music and relishing in giving it all back to the people. What is it about the freedom of playing solo and going with the flow?

Matt: When I play solo, I can give the audience my undivided attention.I have received such good energy and love from so many people so I try my best to give it in return. In these moments, time disappears and I am in a truly magical universe. Every crowd is different, so I know every show will be unique and special.

Q: The Commuters and Beatlejuice are two local legendary groups you’ve been a part of for decades. What’s the secret to continuing to play so long together? Is it the music or the people you’re creating it with?

Matt: My beloved family and friends, in both The Commuters, and Beatlejuice, have been a mainstay on my musical journey. We are blessed with mutual love and respect and desire to play together as long as we are physically able. We all settled in the area and we are all in for the long-haul. Playing with such accomplished musicians and five lead vocalists has been a rare gift to us all. We take nothing for granted, and love every minute. As you know, there is nothing quite like "being in the band”.

Q: You seem to play music like you’re a kid. It’s almost like things haven’t changed since you started, except you have gotten wiser and have learned more instruments along the way! What is your story of how you got you into music in the early days?

Matt: Growing up, I was blessed with a large extended musical family. When I heard rock n’ roll for the first time I was hooked. I started to learn multiple instruments by ear. I had a huge desire to be in a band, making beautiful music for happy dancing people. At 10 years old, I played a drum solo at a local fair and won the most promising talent! I was shocked! I’ve been on this journey more than 50 years now and I’m loving the ride. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to shine. I am eternally grateful.

Q: I’ve always enjoyed your philosophical and off-the-wall comedic ways. It’s so light and fun. You seem to have incorporated your high school delinquency into your act. Tell me if I’m far off?

Matt: Haha! Thank you Seamus. Keep on doing the great things you’re doing. I will see you next Friday live at The Cove. Posted: Jul 31, 2024
In this Article Artist(s) Matt Dickson Resource(s) The Cove Inn